The Peanuts Movie, also known as Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie, is an upcoming American 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox based on Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts. The film is directed by Steve Martino and written by Craig Schulz, Bryan Schulz, and Cornelius Uliano, and features the voices of Noah Schnapp and Bill Melendez. It is set to be the fifth full-length feature film to be based on the comic, and the first feature film based on the characters in 35 years. The film will commemorate the 65th anniversary of the comic strip, and is scheduled to be released on November 6, 2015.
Directed by Steve Martino
Produced by Bryan Schulz
Craig Schulz
Cornelius Uliano
Paul Feig
Starring Bill Melendez
Noah Schnapp
Music by Christophe Beck
Release dates Nov 6, 2015