The Hateful Eight (stylized as The H8ful Eight or The Hateful 8) is an upcoming American western film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, and stars Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Demián Bichir, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen and Bruce Dern. The film is set some years after the Civil War in Wyoming, and revolves around eight strangers who seek refuge in a stagecoach stopover on a mountain pass during a blizzard.
The film's development was announced by Tarantino in November 2013. However, after the script was leaked in January 2014, Tarantino decided to cancel the movie and publish the script as a novel instead. After directing a live read of the leaked script at the United Artists Theater in Los Angeles, Tarantino said that he had changed his mind and was going to film The Hateful Eight.
Filming began on January 23, 2015 in Telluride, Colorado. The film is set for a December 25, 2015 release, being released only in 70 mm film format on Christmas Day before its release in digital theaters on January 8, 2016.
In post-Civil War Wyoming, John "The Hangman" Ruth (Russell) is escorting fugitive Daisy "The Prisoner" Domergue (Leigh) to Red Rock where the latter will face justice for murder. They encounter another bounty hunter named Major Marquis "The Bounty Hunter" Warren (Jackson) and Chris "The Sheriff" Mannix (Goggins). A blizzard forces the four to take shelter at a stagecoach passover called Minnie's Haberdashery where they encounter four more strangers; Bob "The Mexican" (Bichir), Oswaldo "The Little Man" Mobray (Roth), Joe "The Cow Puncher" Gage (Madsen), and ex-General Sanford "The Confederate" Smithers (Dern). Through betrayal and deception, the eight strangers soon learn that they may not make it to Red Rock after all.
Directed by Quentin Tarantino
Produced by Richard N. Gladstein
Shannon McIntosh
Stacey Sher
Written by Quentin Tarantino
Starring Samuel L. Jackson
Kurt Russell
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Walton Goggins
Demián Bichir
Tim Roth
Michael Madsen
Bruce Dern
Music by Ennio Morricone
Cinematography Robert Richardson
Edited by Fred Raskin
Distributed by The Weinstein Company
Release dates Dec 25, 2015