Concussion is an upcoming 2015 American biographical sports thriller drama film starring Will Smith portraying Bennet Omalu, the forensic pathologist who fought against efforts by National Football League to suppress his research on the brain damage suffered by professional football players. The film was directed and written by Peter Landesman, based on the 2009 GQ exposé Game Brain by Jeanne Marie Laskas. The film also stars Alec Baldwin, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, and Albert Brooks.
Columbia Pictures will release the film on Christmas Day, 2015.
A dramatic storytelling depiction of Dr. Bennet Omalu's race-against-time to publicize CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) in American football players and games and the attempts by the NFL to deny the problem and to disparage Omalu.
Directed by Peter Landesman
Produced by Ridley Scott
Giannina Scott
David Woltroff
Written by Peter Landesman
Based on Game Brain
by Jeanne Marie Laskas
Starring Will Smith
Alec Baldwin
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Arliss Howard
Paul Reiser
David Morse
Music by James Newton Howard
Cinematography Salvatore Totino
Edited by William Goldenberg
Distributed by Columbia Pictures
Release dates Dec 25, 2015