Secret in Their Eyes is an upcoming American thriller film written and directed by Billy Ray, based on the 2005 novel originally titled La pregunta de sus ojos by Argentinian author Eduardo Sacheri. The film stars Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Dean Norris, and Michael Kelly. Sacheri's novel was previously adapted into the 2009 Argentine film The Secret in Their Eyes, which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film at the 82nd Academy Awards. The film is scheduled to be released by STX Entertainment on November 20, 2015.
Produced by Mark Johnson
Matt Jackson
Screenplay by Billy Ray
Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor
Nicole Kidman
Julia Roberts
Dean Norris
Michael Kelly
Music by Emilio Kauderer
Cinematography Danny Moder
Edited by Jim Page
Distributed by STX Entertainment
Release dates Nov 20, 2015